Participants should arrange your time properly according to the conference schedule. The brief version is simply for reference.

Full program (Click)



Dates Time Events
August 7, 2024 13:00-17:00 Participants Registration & Conference Materials Collection
August 8, 2024 9:00-12:00 Opening Ceremony
Keynote Speech I
Keynote Speech II
Group Photo/Coffee Break
Session 1-Session 2
August 8, 2024 12:00-18:00 Lunch
Session 3-Session 6
Session 7-Session 9
Dinner Banquet
August 9, 2024 10:00-17:00 Social Events

Details will be updated online, please click here


Attention Notes

For the personal and property safety of the participants, please pay attention to notes below:

1-Please take care of your belongings all the time in case of any loss.

2-Participants are required to wear the conference representative card near the conference 
venue, please do not lend the representative card to the irrelevant people and not "carry" 
irrelevant people into the venue

3-The organizer is not responsible for the loss of participants.


 © Copyriht 2024 15th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development All rights reserved